
Rescore service was initially a project of financial company Sodrugestvo, which since 2009 is engaged in the purchase of debt. Company analysts manually analyzed about 400 organizations per month. In order to optimize business processes, it was decided to increase the number of inspections to 3,000.

Experts of analytics department of FC Sodrugestvo conducted market research on the availability of quality online services that would help to automate the process of verification of counterparties, without reducing its quality. Unfortunately, this service was not found on the market. Then experts of the company decided to create their own automated unique system of independent expert assessment of legal entities.

As a result of painstaking work, the company's experts managed to create the Rescore system based on artificial intelligence, thereby automating the intellectual work of experienced analysts and lawyers of the Sodruzhestvo company.With the help of a special algorithm the number of organizations analyzed increased by 650% (!) and amounted to 3000 companies per month. At the same time, quality of counterparties check, based on the experimental manual analysis of more than 30,000+ enterprises by experts of FC Sodrugestvo, showed high results.
Hundreds of heads of Russian companies managed to make sure of the impeccability of RESCORE's work!

About Service

Rescore is a high-precision automatic expert verification of counterparties using artificial intelligence.
Unlike other aggregators, it is able to conduct a deep analysis of the activities of any enterprise using a special algorithm, as well as predict the probability of bankruptcy using artificial intelligence.

The service allows you to determine the category of the company's solvency with maximum accuracy, to obtain an analytical opinion on its financial stability for 12 months.

After the scoring, you receive not just an extract or a selection of financial indicators of the counterparty's development. On your personal mail you will expect a clear analytical report with key recommendations and conclusions about the counterparty and a detailed report on its activities.

Since mid-2020, RBC media holding has become a co-owner of Scoring Technologies. Before the transaction, the Rescore service underwent a thorough quality check by the NCR rating agency (National Credit Ratings) accredited by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which is part of the RBC Group.

NCR experts conducted a comparative analysis of the data of a certain group of counterparties using manual verification and through the automatic intellectual verification of counterparties Rescore. The test result confirmed the high precision of the new product - professional analysts agreed with the RESCORE rating in 93% of cases.

The team of professionals at Scoring Technologies does not stop there. Experts are constantly improving the analysis algorithm, increasing the level of coincidence of Rescore's automatic assessment with the manual work of professional analysts and the real state of the business.

Rescore.online is registered in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases
Rescore.online received state registration of a computer program
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